
Honey select 1.2 update
Honey select 1.2 update

honey select 1.2 update

On this page there is the possibility of translation into the language of your computer).

honey select 1.2 update

It also contains instructions on the basic elements of the game (the link allows you to go to the Japanese page. If you can discuss the same thing in two topics, then this is some kind of stupid approach. What prevents moderators from negotiating with each other and informing users about the appearance of a new topic and the presence of another similar topic Which of the two is the main topic, and which issues should be discussed here, and which ones in the other topic. Moreover, useful information from one topic does not fall into another and vice versa.

honey select 1.2 update

Honey Select Patch Free To Spendįeel free to spend sweet and hot moments with your partners or feel free to fuck like animals and put them in situations which your partner may or may not agree to. The sequel to Illusions 2016 release of Honey Select will include a similar premise of its predecessor in which you are greeted by a new lady named Fr who introduces you to a love hotel where you can find the person of your dreams. The longer you take to download the bigger the game size gets as more mods will be included. Just download R1.1 then since its mostly still barebone base game. Honey Select Patch Mods Actually Dohowwhere.

Honey select 1.2 update